3 Essential Habits that Separate Top Salespeople from the Rest

1. Mastering Time Management

Top salespeople excel at time management. They spend most of their time talking with clients and prospects, minimizing the time spent on non-revenue generating activities. They reserve key sales hours for prospecting, researching new clients, and talking to them. Non-critical tasks like internal trainings are pushed to off-peak hours, such as Friday afternoons or even the weekend. Efficient time management maximizes their productivity and ensures they are consistently engaging with potential revenue sources.

2. Seeking and Applying Feedback

Top salespeople regularly ask for feedback from their clients, coworkers, and managers to refine and improve their approach. Even when things seem to be going well, they will always ask their clients if there is room for improvement. They understand that client satisfaction is crucial to fending off competition. If they take their eye off the ball, competitors will swoop in. Therefore, they are proactive about making sure their clients are always happy. In contrast, those who neglect this step often find themselves surprised when their clients leave.

3. Continuous Learning and Improvement

Top salespeople are committed to personal and professional growth. They are never satisfied with their current level of success because they realize there is always room for improvement. Their natural curiosity drives them to seek out new learning opportunities to enhance their value to their clients and companies. While many salespeople become complacent after their first or second year, top sellers continually invest in their development. They stay up-to-date with industry trends, become experts in their business area, and often act as a go-to source for their colleagues.

Moreover, they seek learning opportunities beyond their job requirements by reading sales books, attending webinars, and participating in non-required training sessions. This constant drive to learn keeps them ahead of the curve and enables them to provide exceptional service.


To recap, the three steps that separate top salespeople are: mastering time management, seeking feedback, and continuous learning and improvement. By implementing these habits, you'll see a significant boost in your sales performance and elevate your career toward the top of the leaderboard.

Next Steps and Resources

Check out this link to learn the script that I use to secure next steps for any meeting within five minutes. Join the waitlist for my upcoming book, a comprehensive guide covering the entire sales cycle, coming out early this fall at andrewbarbuto.com.

Thanks for reading! If you found this post helpful, make sure to like, subscribe to my Youtube channel. Keep an eye out for my next post, and until then, remember: if you're not helping, you're not selling.


3 Essential Sales Questions for Engaging and Productive Meetings


Andrew Barbuto’s Sales Journey – From $0 to $250MM in 8 Years